Rifle Ammunition
Pistol Ammunition
Shotshell Ammunition
Rifle Ammunition
Pistol Ammunition
Mil-Spec Ammunition
Rifle Ammunition
Pistol Ammunition
Mil-Spec Ammunition

The appearance of Machine-Tool Plant in Altai region goes to the beginning of the World War II. Because of the situation on the front line at the beginning of WWII, government of USSR made a decision to evacuate main manufacturers of military products for need of Soviet army from European part of the country behind the Ural. For this reason cartridge production was evacuated from Podolsk; partially Tula and Lugansk cartridge plant, on the base of which there was found plant #17 in Barnaul, which specialized in cartridges for small arms.
In September of 1941 the first echelon with equipment arrived to Altai; November 24, 1941 the first wagon with cartridges which were manufactured in Barnaul was sent to the front line. This date has become the birthday day of the plant.
Machine-Tool Plant has a lot of achievements, which were considered to be a feat during the war. It's remarkable that each second cartridge used during the World War II against the enemy had been produced in Altai region. Not by chance self-denying labour of the plant collective at that period was marked by handing for the everlasting keeping of Challenge Red Standard CC of С P. S. U (B.) and State Committee for Defence. And on the 25th of April 1945 the plant was awarded with Lenin Order under the decree of USSR Supreme Soviet.
Whatever name the enterprise bears (it was «Plant #17» in 1941-1948, «Machine-Tool Plant» in 1948-1990, «Machine-Tool Production Association» in 1990-1993, since 1993 — joint stock company, but it has become holding company «Barnaul Machine-Tool Plant» from the beginning of the new century), — it always has the name of having high indexes, powerful success and memorable traditions. The heroes of the Soviet Union worked precisely here V. E. Smirnov, G. A. Udartsev; the heroes of Socialistic Labour: I. K. Shipulin (a turner, an initiator of patronage tutorship), P.S. Kulagin (Director of the plant);N. Rominaand A. Komyakova (foremen of the front guards brigades); P. M. Fomichev (a founder of the movement «thousands»); V. D. Dubrovin (Absolute Cavalier of the Labour Fame order); P. V. Krotov (devoted 60 years to native plant).
In the 60-80-ties nearly hundred Labour dynasties increased the fame of plant and Territory Bonus was established in 1972 for the best engineering workers of Altai bore the name one of them — Grjazev's dynasty.
In different years, the following directors were at the head of the plant: G. Y. Solomko, G. N. Abaimov, N. I. Klyev. Reconstruction and technical reequipment of manufacture happened under the leadership of P. S. Kulagin. From 1995, the head of the plant was V. G. Gorshkov, a Prize laureate of the USSR SM, a famous economist and a reconfiguration organizer of enterprise with reference to the market conditions.
V. A. Yashkin has been the General Director of the Machine-Tool Plant since 2001. He is an initiator of a new marketing approach to the enterprise organization, Candidate of economic sciences. He has been awarded with different awards for a great contribution to manufacture development. Some of them are: medals and letters of award of Altay region and branch Ministry, title of “Honorable mechanic engineer of RF”, “Honorable working man of industry and armament of RF”, honoree of Demidov award.
JSC «Holding Company «Barnaul Machine-Tool Plant» has been moving forward confidently for last years. The quality of its production confirms the Certification of International System of Quality ISO-9001. Annual growth rate of production volume makes in comparable prices in average — 106,9 %, growth rate of labor productivity — 113,9 %.
«Holding Company «Barnaul Machine-Tool Plant» consists of a number of joint-stock companies. There are CJSC «Barnaul Cartridge Plant», which manufactures a wide range of hunting and sporting and military ammunition for small arms. Ballistic, constructional and performance characteristics of ammunition are equal to the best domestic and foreign analoques. CJSC «Altaital” manufactures more that 100 types of hoisting devices of new generation with load capacity from 0.5ton till 12tons. By the variety of products it is the leader among similar domestic enterprises. JSC «Stankochain» manufactures more than 150 types of industrial chains which are used in different branches of industry. «Termoblock Ltd.» produces a range of plate heat exchangers which are used for heating and water systems of industrial and living premises. There are also some other enterprises which develop their own business directions.
During its history the enterprise focused on social, everyday questions and questions of rest of workers. Today it has health and recreation resort, children’s holiday camp, ski lodge, lodge for hunters and fishers where factory workers can have a good rest.
According to the working results of 2010 company is included into national register “Leading Russian industrial enterprises”
On the eve of its anniversary Holding company “Barnaul Machine-Tool Plant” is the successful developing enterprise with active life philosophy and prospective future.